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The New Mexico Land Conservancy is seeking public comment as part of the renewal of its accreditation with the Land Trust Accreditation Commission. We value your input. To learn more and submit a comment click the link below.

RSVP below to attend in-person or to receive a Zoom link to attend remotely.

New Mexico Land Conservancy

Helping people conserve the places they love.


Conservation easements protect:


Helping ensure that our watersheds remain whole and healthy – filtering and replenishing – and that precious, life-giving rivers, streams and other water flows are protected.


Helping protect the natural resources that wildlife depend on: water, habitat, and open space for their migratory corridors and flyways. After all, wildlife – and nature, in general – doesn’t recognize property lines!

Working Lands    

Helping ranchers and farmers keep their properties whole and their heritage preserved, providing food and protecting New Mexico’s open space for public benefit.

Our Vision: One Million Acres Conserved!

Goal: 1,000,000 acres by 2030!

773,398 total acres conserved!

Conserving land. Preserving heritage.

Our mission is to preserve New Mexico’s land heritage by helping people conserve the places they love.

For Love of the Land

Latest News

Chupadera Mesa

New Mexico Land Conservancy partners with State Land Office and Department of Defense to protect Chupadera Mesa.


L Bar H Ranch

In a fitting end to the 100-year anniversary of the Gila Wilderness, the New Mexico Land Conservancy recently protected 1,260 acres along the San Francisco River near Alma—a landscape surrounded by the Gila National Forest.


Fite Ranch

New Mexico Land Conservancy completed a conservation easement on Fite Ranch—permanently protecting over 5,000 acres of undeveloped land adjacent to Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge.


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