Conservation easements protect:
Helping ensure that our watersheds remain whole and healthy – filtering and replenishing – and that precious, life-giving rivers, streams and other water flows are protected.
Helping protect the natural resources that wildlife depend on: water, habitat, and open space for their migratory corridors and flyways. After all, wildlife – and nature, in general – doesn’t recognize property lines!
Working Lands
Helping ranchers and farmers keep their properties whole and their heritage preserved, providing food and protecting New Mexico’s open space for public benefit.
Our Vision: One Million Acres Conserved!
Goal: 1,000,000 acres by 2030!
703,274 total acres conserved!
Land Conservation protects water, too!
Land conservation can play a critical role in ensuring that our watersheds remain whole and healthy. New Mexico Land Conservancy efforts have led to:
Conservation of:
of seasonal and perennial waterways
.. . . and an additional:
acres of wetlands