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Get the Water Off the Road!

Roads are one of the biggest impediments to our watersheds. They collect, concentrate and divert the original natural surface flow-patterns, causing erosion, down-cutting and accelerating sediment contribution into the mainstream system. Steve Carson explains how to get the water off the road.
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A Major Win for Conservation in San Juan County

In a major win for private land conservation, the 12,451-acre B Square Ranch near Farmington, NM, was protected in perpetuity from subdivision and future development by two conservation easements, completed by and donated to the New Mexico Land Conservancy by landowner, Tommy Bolack, earlier this month.
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Stephen Fowler’s New Mexico Monitoring Adventure

Our summer stewardship intern this year, Stephen Fowler, has a keen photographic eye, particularly for wildlife, which he has a talent for sneaking up on with his camera. Enjoy this photographic tour, taken by Stephen while monitoring the 110 conservation easements we hold throughout the state.
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Land Conservation and the Curious Pronghorn

While out and about in the northeast grasslands of New Mexico, conducting the annual monitoring of the conservation easements we hold for some of the larger, conservation-minded ranchers in the area, our summer monitoring intern, Stephen Fowler, was fortunate to happen upon a herd of pronghorn. Stephen has a keen eye for wildlife and he wasted no time getting his camera out to bring us these images.
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Annual Report 2020 Magazine online!

Don't miss our Annual Report 2020 Magazine now Online! Featuring stories about the 10 new conservation easements NMLC completed in 2020, ranging in size from 12 to 12,000 acres of high conservation-value land throughout New Mexico, protecting agricultural working lands, wildlife habitat and migratory corridors, water resources, and more.
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Nick’s New Mexico Photo Journal

Our summer stewardship intern, Nick Jacobson, spent most of his assignment out on the land in New Mexico. He often camped, sometimes fished, drove a lot, and shot many photographs for us from the field. The images presented here, combined with Nick's words, offer a view of New Mexico as seen by someone for the first time. Enjoy Part 2 of Nick's photographic tour of our uniquely beautiful and diverse state.
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We Did It!

We are proud to announce that the New Mexico Land Conservancy (NMLC) has been awarded renewed accreditation for the next five years, 2020-2024, from the Land Trust Accreditation Commission, an independent panel of professionals who conduct an extensive review of the policies, programs and practices of each land trust applicant. “As the only statewide land trust in New Mexico, the volume of work we’re doing now, compared to the last five years of our first accreditation, makes this renewal even more significant,” said NMLC’s Executive Director, Scott Wilber. “We are a stronger organization than ever for having gone through the rigorous renewal process.”
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Beautiful New Mexico in Photographs

Our summer intern, Nick Jacobson,  has a good eye for landscape photography!  Since many New Mexicans are staying home more this summer for health and safety reasons, we thought we’d send you images of the New Mexico landscape as Nick makes his way across our beautiful state on NMLC's annual stewardship monitoring mission.
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