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Project Details


Size:  19.2 acres

Location:  Taos County

Eco-Region:  Southern Rocky Mountains

Conservation Values:  Agriculture, Scenic Open Space, Wildlife Habitat

Type of Project:  Donated Conservation Easement

Date Completed:  September 2021

Santuario Nuevo

— Preserving Northern New Mexico’s Land Heritage

With its spectacular mountain views, clear skies and multiple opportunities for outdoor recreation, including a world class ski resort, the Taos area in northern New Mexico is experiencing increased development pressure due to its appeal as a second home or retirement destination. Rural land prices are appraising at high-end residential rates, and water resources are being sought for new home construction. As a result, smaller family-owned farms are beginning to vanish from the area as property values rise along with land taxes, and agricultural enterprises are harder to support. The temptation to “cash in” on the development wave becomes irresistible or even mandatory for some landowners, and the scenic open space and green farmland gives way to fields of luxury homes and condominiums with more roads, rooftops and other impervious surfaces.

Landowner Holly Difani recognized these signs of increasing development and determined that a conservation easement, completed by and donated to NMLC this September, was the best way to preserve the agricultural heritage and scenic beauty of her 19-acre property, aptly named Santuario Nuevo. Located in El Salto near the village of Arroyo Seco and the road to the Taos Ski Valley, the property is bordered by private land to the north, west and east, and by Taos Pueblo to the south.

Water is a significant aspect of Santuario Nuevo. The Arroyo Seco runs along the southern boundary andtogether with two ponds, provides critical riparian habitat for a variety of wildlife species. A historic acequia, the Temporales Ditch, runs adjacent to the northeast corner of the property and provides water for irrigating the property’s hayfields. The easement now ensures that this verdant sanctuary is preserved for posterity. NMLC greatly appreciates being the land trust chosen to complete to be the recipient of this easement which exemplifies so well northern New Mexico’s agricultural land heritage. #



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