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Project Details


Size:  817 acres

Location:  Mora County

Eco-Region:  Southern Rocky Mountains

Conservation Values:  Agriculture, Scenic Open Space, Wildlife Habitat

Type of Project:  Transferred Conservation Easement

Date Completed:  December 2016

Twin Willows Ranch

Twin Willows consists of a forest community dominated by Ponderosa pine. Mixed conifer, including a large aspen component, and small meadows also are present. Circular depressions about 500 feet in diameter occur on the west portion of the property, creating ephemeral ponds during spring snowmelt and summer monsoon periods. The property provides wildlife habitat and migration corridors between adjoining undeveloped property and publicly protected as an important summer range. Natural values also include scenic views from on the property itself and from State Road 442.

The ephemeral wetlands on the property create wet meadows that provide watering areas for wildlife. The wetlands offer important stopping points for migratory birds, particularly for birds that utilize the Las Vegas Wildlife Preserve about 50 miles to the south of the property. The grasslands that abut the wetlands also serve to attract big game species. These areas are critical for wildlife and are of high priority for protection. Black bear have been observed several times onsite, along with elk, turkey and grouse. Bald eagles and peregrine falcons have been seen nesting on the property.

Twin Willows is being managed to maintain and improve upon the natural values and wildlife habitat. The landowner intends to continue to protect the conservation values currently present on the property and maintain only the current land uses, including those related to livestock grazing, hunting, forestry and recreation.

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