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Project Details


Size:  162.5 acres (in two phases)

Location:  San Miguel County

Eco-Region:  Southern Rockies Foothills and Woodlands

Conservation Values:  Scenic Open Space, Wildlife Habitat, Cultural/historical

Type of Project:  Donated Conservation Easement

Date Completed:  December, 2018 (1st phase); July 2019 (Phase 2)

Pecos River Property

Feature story: River Restoration for Wildlife – In and Out of the Water


In July 2019, NMLC completed the second of two conservation easements on this small but highly valued 162-acre property along the main stem of the upper Pecos River.

Nestled within the large protected area of the Pecos National Historic Park, the property represents a valuable opportunity to strengthen the conservation of the upper Pecos watershed and the integrity of existing protected areas including the Park, the Pecos National Monument, the Santa Fe National Forest, and nearby Forked Lightning Ranch.

The first easement (81 acres) is bounded on three sides by the Pecos National Historic Park and includes a nearly one-half mile reach of the main stem Pecos River and the adjacent open-terraced floodplains and riparian expanse. The property is rich in cultural and historic resources as well, including petroglyphs and a historic Spanish-era acequia.

The landowner has been active in improving wildlife habitat – terrestrial and aquatic – on the property, which is used primarily as a retreat for the landowner and his family and friends.

Located so close to Santa Fe, this property was a prime target for potential subdivision for residential development. We are grateful to the landowner for choosing to work with NMLC on conserving this choice Pecos River property.


rev SH 8/2021


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