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Project Details


Size:  64 acres

Location:  Sandoval County

Eco-Region:  Southern Rocky Mountains

Conservation Values:  Scenic Open Space, Wildlife Habitat

Type of Project:  Donated Conservation Easement

Date Completed:  December, 2009

Eagle Heights

Private lands surrounded by national forest lands, commonly referred to as in-holdings, are often highly desired for development. The landowners of the Eagle Heights property, Jeff Johnson and Susan Schillaci, recognized this phenomenon and have placed 64 acres of highly developable land within the Santa Fe National Forest under conservation, preserving the land’s natural habitat and scenic open space values.

The Eagle Heights conservation easement is located along Highway 4—the Jemez Mountain Scenic Byway. The easement will protect a portion of the scenic corridor along Cañon de San Diego which includes the Jemez River, Soda Dam, and the Village of Jemez Springs. The conservation easement will also protect in perpetuity the significant natural habitat of the property, including the multiple natural springs and seeps that are important watering areas for wildlife species native to the area. The property also affords spectacular views of the Tent Rocks National Monument.



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