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Project Details


Size:  1,480 acres

Location:  Catron County

Eco-Region:  Arizona-New Mexico Mountains

Conservation Values:  Agriculture, Scenic Open Space, Wildlife Habitat

Type of Project:  Donated Conservation Easement

Date Completed:  July, 2008

Alegres Mountain Ranch South

The 3,240 acre Alegres Mountain Ranch is located just south of the small town of Pie Town in Catron County. The property includes the foothills south of Alegres Mountain, a peak with an altitude of over 10,000 feet. The Continental Divide also crosses the property.

The ranch consists primarily of forested, rugged terrain that afford majestic views of Alegres Mountain, Little Alegres Mountain, the Horse Mountains, and Escondido Mountain.

Major tree species that occur on the property include Ponderosa pine, pinyon pine, one-seed juniper, and small clusters of Gambel oak. Common grass species include blue grama, sideoats grama, black grama, muhly, New Mexico feathergrass, cane bluestem, muttongrass, and Arizona fescue. Common wildlife species that have been observed on the property include coyotes, black bear, elk, mule deer, whitetail deer, mountain lions, and, occasionally, javelina. Bird species that occur on the property based upon the type of habitat include the Ferruginous hawk, Northern goshawk, Mountain plover, Mexican spotted owl, and the Gray vireo.

In 2009, the landowner donated a conservation easement over an additional 1,760 acres of his ranch thereby protecting the entire ranch.



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