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Project Details


Size:  2,800 acres

Location:  Catron County

Eco-Region:  Arizona-New Mexico Mountains

Conservation Values:  Agriculture, Scenic Open Space, Wildlife Habitat

Type of Project:  Purchased Conservation Easement

Date Completed:  April 2013

Rito Springs Ranch

In April of 2013 NMLC completed an easement over 2,800 acres of this 9,000-acre ranch near the town of Omega in Catron County, in western New Mexico.  The ranch has been owned by the same family for over 100 years and continues to be used for cattle grazing and hunting.  An intermittent stream, Rito Creek, crosses the property and provides water for wildlife during wetter months. The ranch consists of vast stretches of native grassland with areas of juniper savannah, pinon pine, and oak. NMLC worked with the the owner of the ranch and the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service to secure federal funding for the purchase of this conservation easement.  We are pleased to be protecting such high-quality rangeland and wildlife habitat in western New Mexico.



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